Morgantown Florist, Your Local Hundred Florist

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Zaccagnini Morgantown Florist
735 Chestnut Ridge Rd Suite E
Morgantown, WV 26505
Leave a Review
Isai MoralesIsai Morales
3 weeks ago
They have never let me down in all the times I've ordered and had flowers delivered!!
Coleton HeflinColeton Heflin
last month
Picked up for my son’s homecoming proposal! So big and so pretty! The yellow ribbon was perfect! πŸ’™πŸ’›πŸ
Susan SargutSusan Sargut
5 months ago
Ordered a birthday bouquet for my good friend. It arrived on time. Recipient said it smelled wonderful throughout her apartment.

Funeral Homes

Tennant Funeral Home
2678 Hornet Hwy, Hundred, WV 26575, USA